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Our committee

2020 - 2021 Officers


 Chairperson: Zoe Aberley

 Vice-chair: Sophie Clarke

 General Secretary: Ursula Smith

 Treasurer: Sarah Critchlow 

 Data Protection Officer: Sophie Clarke

 Affiliations Secretary: Sarah Beardmore

 Fixtures Secretary: Layla Allen

 Coaching Secretary: Laura Bevans

 Umpiring Secretary: Laura Bevans

 Team treasurers: Elected from current teams

 Safeguarding Officers: Sandra Baker/Andrea Adams/Marie Brown/ Ursula Smith/Laura Bevans

 Social Secretaries: Denice Pemberton / Susie Wilson

 Kit Secretaries: Tracey Johnson

 Publicity Officer/ Website and Twitter Manager: Steve Allen/Bethany Hall

 Youth Representative: Anna Adams and Eve Bednall

 1 committee member from each team: Elected from current teams

 1 coach/team manager from each junior team

 Honorary member: Anne Beardmore



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